Refine the understanding of modern and ancient carbonate depositional environments, associated diagenesis and physics properties of carbonate rock for improved perception of reservoir heterogeneities on multiple scales.
Investigation of geobiological and environmental mechanisms controlling the Formation of micritized Sediment in Modern Shallow Marine Carbonates and assess whether these processes are setting the stage for the development of ubiquitous micro-porosity in ancient limestones
Selected Publications
Teillet, T., Fournier, F., Zhao, L., Villeneuve, Q., Borgomano, J. and Hong, F. 2021 Geophysical pore type inversion in carbonate reservoir: integration of cores, well-logs, and seismic data (Yadana field, offshore Myanmar) Geophysics (2021) 86 (3): B149–B164.
Teillet, T., Fournier, F., Montaggioni L.F and Borgomano, J. 2021, Seismic-based paleoenvironmental reconstructions of carbonate systems: pitfalls, limitations and perspectives - reply to the comments on “Development patterns of an isolated oligo-mesophotic carbonate buildup, early Miocene, Yadana field, offshore Myanmar” by Teillet et al. (2020), authored by Paumard et al. Marine and Petroleum Geology, Volume 123. DOI : 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2020.104816
Teillet, T., Fournier, F., Borgomano, J., and Hong, F., 2020b. Origin of seismic reflections in a carbonate gas field, Lower Miocene, offshore Myanmar. Marine and Petroleum Geology. Volume 113. 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.104110.
Teillet, T., Fournier, F., Montaggioni L.F, BouDagher-Fadel, M., Gisquet F., Borgomano, J., Braga, J.C., Villeneuve, Q. and Hong, F., 2020a. Development patterns of an oligo-mesophotic isolated carbonate buildup (Upper Burman Limestone, Yadana filed, Lower Miocene, offshore Myanmar). Marine and Petroleum Geology. Volume 111, Pages 440-460. 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.08.039
Teillet, T., Fournier, F., Gisquet F., Montaggioni L.F, Borgomano, J., Villeneuve, Q. and Hong, F., 2019. Diagenetic history and porosity evolution of an Early Miocene carbonate buildup (Upper Burman Limestone, Yadana gas field, offshore Myanmar). Marine and Petroleum Geology. Volume 109, Pages 589-606. 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.06.044
Fournier, F., Pellerin, M., Villeneuve, Q., Teillet, T., Hong, F., Poli, E., Leonide, P., Hairabian, A. and Borgomano, J. 2018. The equivalent pore aspect ratio as a tool for pore type prediction in carbonate reservoirs (2018). AAPG (American Association of Petroleum Geologists) Bulletin 102(7), DOI : 10.1306/10181717058
San Miguel, G., P.E Barrallon, P.E., Villeneuve, Q., Teillet, T., Dubois, L., and Kluska, J.M. 2016. Lessons Learned From Examples of Reservoir Seismic Characterisation in Pre-salt Context, Third EAGE (European Association of Geologist) / SBGf Workshop, DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201600058
Ph.D, Geology of carbonate systems and reservoirs, Aix-Marseille University, France, 2019
M.Sc, Geology of sedimentary systems and reservoirs, Aix-Marseille University, France, 2015
B.Sc, Earth and Universe Sciences, Nantes University, France, 2013
Professional Profile
2016 – 2019: Ph.D. collaboration R&D Carbonate team TOTAL and Aix-Marseille University, CEREGE. Scientific and technic center Jean-Féger, Pau, France
09/2015 – 01/2016: Consultant geoscientist, EuroEngineering and TOTAL Carbonate R&D team, Scientific and technic center Jean-Féger, Pau, France
06/2014 – 09/2014: Intern geologist, TOTAL (Exploration/Production Carbonate team), Scientific and technic center Jean-Féger, Pau, France
Scientific and Professional Membership
International association of sedimentologists (IAS)
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Society of Exploration geophysicsts (SEG)
Societé géologique de France (SGF)
The Geological society of London
French association for companies and professionals serving energy industry (EVOLEN)
“Congratulation of the jury”, PhD Defense, 2019
“Best poster” at the IAS meeting (International Meeting of Sedimentology), 2016
“1th position”, M.Sc, 2015
KAUST Affiliations
Ali I. Al-Naimi Petroleum Engineering Research Center (ANPERC)