J. Carlos Santamarina, Ph.D.

Former ANPERC Members

​​​​Associate Center Director & Professor, Energy GeoEngineering Research group

Research Interests

​Professor Santamarina explores the scientific foundations of geomaterial behavior and subsurface processes using particle-level and pore-scale experiments combined with numerical methods and high-resolution process monitoring systems. This conceptual and experimental framework is advancing the study of phenomena and the development of solutions in energy geotechnology with contributions to: resource recovery (petroleum, methane hydrates), energy geo-storage, efficiency and conservation, and energy waste (carbon geological storage, fly ash and nuclear waste).

Dr. Santamarina leads the Energy GeoEngineering research group.


  • ​Ph.D. Purdue University, Indiana, USA, 1987
  • MSc. University of Maryland, Washington, D.C, USA, 1984
  • BSc. Civil Engineering, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina​, 1982

KAUST Affiliations

  • Ali I. Al-Naimi Petroleum Engineering Research Center (ANPERC)
  • Division of Physical Science and Engineering (PSE)