Antoine Delaunay

Research Scientists

Research Scientist

Research Interests

​I study geology (stratigraphy, volcanism) and geomorphology (planation surfaces, scarp formation, weathering profiles) as a proxy of vertical movements of the lithosphere in anorogenic domains. The Arabian plateau is a great example of uplift and scarp retreat in relation to rifting processes that led to the opening of the Red Sea. I’m also interested in offshore geomorphology linked to the structure and behavior of the oceanic crust, at the early stage of ocean opening of which the Red Sea is a perfect example.

Selected Publications

  • Structure and morphology of the Red Sea, from the mid-ocean ridge to the ocean-continent boundary
    A. Delaunay, G. Baby, J. Fedorik, A. Afifi, P. Tepponnier, J. Dyment.
    Tectonophycics, Elsevier (2023)
  • Madagascar vertical movements (90 - 0 Ma): a double approach including onshore geomorphology and Madagascar western...
    A. Delaunay
    PhD Thesis, (2018)
  • Constraining 90 Ma landscape evolution model of Madagascar using erosional and sedimentary data
    R. Jiao, J. Braun, A. Delaunay
    American Geophysical Union, (2018)
  • Mid to Late Miocene Uplift and Doming of Madagascar: Constraints from Topography, Cenozoic Stratigraphy and Paleoge...
    A.Delaunay, C. Robin, F. Guillocheau, M. Dall’Asta, G. Calves
    Third EAGE Eastern Africa Petroleum Geoscience Forum, (2017)
  • Austral and East African Uplifts and Relief Growths, Paleoclimate Changes: A Tool for Predicting Offshore Sediments...
    F. Guillocheau, C. Robin, G. Baby, A. Delaunay, JP. Ponte, M. Dall’Asta, N. Burratti, D. M...
    Third EAGE Eastern Africa Petroleum Geoscience Forum, (2017)
  • Late Miocene uplift and doming of Madagascar: topographic implications
    A. Delaunay, C. Robin, F. Guillocheau, M. Dall’Asta, G. Calves
    EGU General Assembly, (2016)


  • ​Ph.D., Geology, University of Rennes I, France, 2018
  • M.Sc., Sedimentology, University of Bordeaux III, France, 2012
  • B.Sc., Geography, University of Bordeaux III, France, 2010

Professional Profile

  • ​2020-Present: Postdoctoral fellow, KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
  • 2012-2014: Junior Geologist, AREVA/ORANO, Mongolia

Scientific and Professional Membership

  • ​European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers(EAGE)

KAUST Affiliations

  • ​Ali I. Al-Naimi Petroleum Engineering Research Center (ANPERC)
  • Physical Science and Engineering Division (PSE)

Research Interests Keywords

​Arabian Plate Geology geomorphology Pediments Planation Surfaces Weathering Volcanism Sedimentology Mid-Ocean Ridges Red Sea Geology