28 September, 2021
"As part of our Energy Conservation Programs we have been working closely with all laboratories in KAUST on ways to reduce energy consumption. One of the elements which require special and close collaboration between our teams is the management of door alarms.
As part of the ventilation design of the laboratories, there is a safety system embedded which increases ventilation levels of a laboratory to maximum performance when the door to the service corridor or to the atrium is left open for more than one minute. This of course has a direct impact on energy consumption.
At the Ali Al-Naimi Petroleum Research Center, the collaboration and support from the laboratory team has been exceptional. The alarms have been maintained at one of the lowest rate in Campus, averaging 3.8 hours of open doors per month. Kindly refer to the chart below.
I would like to thank you and your team for the support, dedication and collaboration provided, and look forwards to continuing working together."
Amr Atiah
Facilities Management Operations and Maintenance.