KAUST Student Chapter Receives Student Chapter Excellence Award

23 May, 2019

The KAUST student chapter of the Society of Petroleum Engineers has just been given the Student Chapter Excellence Award. From SPE.org: "This prestigious award, previously known as the Gold Standard, is the second highest honor a student chapter may receive and is awarded to only 20% of student chapters around the world. The award is in recognition of your student chapter's programs in industry engagement, operations and planning, community involvement, professional development, and innovation."

The KAUST student chapter is a team effort. Its faculty advisor is Professor Hussein Hoteit, with other faculty such as Thomas Finkbeiner and Tadeusz Patzek offering invaluable help. In addition to the students who have participated in Petrobowl over the years, and other students who have been a part of the chapter since its formation in 2011, the following students currently hold positions within the chapter:

Saad_135pxSocial Activities Chair: Ahmed Saad



Gonczi_135pxPresident: David Gonczi



Benitez_135pxVice President: Marcelo Benitez



Odnoletkova_135Membership Chairperson: Natalia Odnoletkova



Hassan_135pxProgram Chairperson: Saleh Hassan



Sugar_135pxSecretary: Antonia Sugar



Ahmed HassanTreasurer: Ahmed Hassan