EGEL Receives Equipment, Begins Investigations

06 August, 2015

Prof. Santamarina, ANPERC's Associate Director, launched the development of temporary lab space and began investigations throughout Summer 2015.  This lab, the Energy Geo-Engineering Laborato​ry, is located in temporary space during the construction of ANPERC's Center Laboratory. 

EGEL's research places emphasis on the fundamental understanding of geo-materials, coupled thermo-hydro-bio-chemo-mechanically coupled processes and emergent phenomena, with applications to the energy sector. The approach is based on elegant experimental designs (with extensive instrumentation and monitoring), complemented with simple but robust analytical solutions and numerical simulations. 

 The group will grow over the next year, adding additional Post-doctoral Fellows and students, and will remain focused on educating the next generation of leaders in academia and engineering.  Prof. Santamarina has a long track record of mentoring students who become faculty members at premier academic institutions worldwide.

 To learn more about EGEL, and about the members of the group, visit their site.​