Dr. Ruud Weijermars's research group at KFUPM-SPG/CIPR focueses on the development of new mathematical models - faster and more accurate than existing commercial platforms - to model the multi-physics of pressure depletion in reservoirs in response to engineering interventions (geothermal, fluid injection and storage, and fluid extraction). For example, pressure transent solutions are coupled with constitutive models of geomechanical response (compaction, surface uplift, surface subsidence, dynamic permeability changes, dynamic fracture propagation, micro-seismic and seismic fault-slip). Extensive modeling of the production performance of hydraulically fractured wells in shale formations. All models are described with in-house code based on grid-less, closed-form solutions, ensuring infinite resolution.
Zoom meeting: https://kaust.zoom.us/j/3908635638
Meeting ID:
390 863 5638