Abstract: Pore-scale investigations of subsurface processes have recently attracted a lot of attention in many domains such as oil and gas production, CO2 storage and contaminant hydrology. On the one hand, pore-scale experimental techniques, in 2D micro-models or in 3D rocks, allow for direct visualization of the different processes involved. On the other hand, pore-scale numerical models allow for the mixing between phases and chemical species to be resolved on a pore by pore level. Although Pore Network Models (PNM) can be used to investigate upscaling laws from the pore to the reservoir scale, they rely on a set of displacement rules that control the pore-scale physics. Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) can be used to investigate these rules during multiphase reactive processes. However, most of the pore-scale reactive models only include one moving phase. This is because moving interfaces act as an additional internal boundaries for multicomponent transport, that constitute a real challenge for numerical models. I will present recent advances in the domain of DNS that allows us, for the first time, to simulate two-phase multicomponent reactive transport at the pore-scale. The model can then be used to study pore scale events during subsurface processes, and potentially inform PNM to better investigate upscaling law to the reservoir scale.
Bio: 2008 - Masters of fundamental and applied mathematics, Ecole Polytechnique, France
2008-2012 - Total reservoir engineer, Pau, France
2012-2015 - PhD student at Imperial College London, U. K.
2015-Present Post-doctoral researcher at Heriot-Watt, Edinburgh, U. K.