Advanced Core Flood System

Brand: MetaRock


​The advanced core flood system is designed to allow single or two-phase flow testing of 1" or 1.5" diameter samples up to 6" long at temperatures up to 120 degrees C, confining pressures up to 10,000 psi, and pore pressure up to 2000 psi.

The core holder is fitted with 2 side taps to measure pore pressure along the length of the sample. Additional tests that can be performed are:

  1. Miscible flow through cleaning
  2. Fluid saturation to measure pore volume and porosity
  3. Gas or liquid pore volume, porosity, and permeability
  4. Electrical properties - F and m
  5. Qv by Co/Cw method
  6. Sample desaturation via porous plate
  7. I/Sw resistivity index to determine n
  8. USS unsteady state relative permeability
  9. Steady state relative permeability