Professor Yucel Akkutlu

Texas A&M University


​Dr. Yucel Akkutlu is Rob L. Adams Professor in Petroleum Engineering and William Keeler faculty fellow at Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA. He holds the John Edgar Holt endowed chair in petroleum engineering. He previously worked as a faculty for the University of Oklahoma, and the University of Alberta, Canada. Akkutlu is a chemical engineer and received Ph.D. in petroleum engineering from the University of Southern California. His research focuses on characterization and exploitation of unconventional oil and gas resources, enhanced oil recovery, and oilfield chemistry. He has written more than 100 peer-reviewed journal articles and conference proceedings, six book chapters, and has four patents. He has received over $6 million in external research funding during the last 10 years from sources such as the US Department of Energy (DOE), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), and the unconventional oil and gas industry. Akkutlu is the latest recipient of the SPE international Lester C. Uren award for his technical contribution to the field of petroleum engineering. He is a distinguished member of the SPE. He was the executive editor of the SPE Journal 2013-2016. He was 2014-15 SPE distinguished lecturer. He has received 2017 TAMU-Association of Former Students teaching award, 2016 TAMU-Association of Former Students distinguished achievement award, and 2015 AIME Rossiter W. Raymond memorial award. Akkutlu served in various SPE, EAGE, and NSERC-Canada committees.

All sessions by Professor Yucel Akkutlu

Carbon Dioxide Storage Capacity of Organic-rich Source Rocks
04:00 PM

This presentation focuses on experimental/simulation studies on the ability of organic-rich core samples to store carbon dioxide. I will begin with a quick review of CO2 behavior in organic nanopores under subsurface conditions using molecular simulations. To measure the storage capacity of the rock samples in the laboratory, an apparatus has been built and a new analytical method is developed allowing interpretation of the pressure/volume data in terms of measurements of total porosity and Langmuir parameters of core plugs under effective stress.

Professor Yucel Akkutlu

Texas A&M University
