Dr. J. D. Van Wees

Professor, University of Utrecht


Jan-Diederik van Wees is a recognized international expert in geothermal energy. Van Wees serves in various co-ordinating roles in major European and Dutch geothermal research projects, including sub-program management (resource assessment) in the Joint Program on Geothermal Energy of the European Energy Research Alliance and vice president of the European Technology and Innovation Platform for Deep Geothermal Energy (ETIP-DG) for the SET-PLAN. He has published over 80 peer-reviewed papers in leading international journals on tectonics, reservoir engineering, induced seismicity, resource assessment, and techno-economic models. His current research expertise focuses towards geothermal energy development in the Netherlands and internationally. Under his leadership, TNO has developed various state-of-the-art geothermal information systems,predicitive models for geothermal exploration and performance assessment methodologies, including thermoGIS and the portfolio approach for accelerating geothermal development in the Netherlands. Apart from geothermal energy applications, models have been developed for CO2 storage, and hydrocarbon exploration and production.
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